What is a BIA?
A Business Improvement Area (BIA) is an association of business and property owners who work together to support growth and development on their main street. All BIA's ultimately have the same goal – to increase traffic and sales in their local business district through the co-operation of each and every BIA member business and property owner.
Watch this short video to learn more about how BIA's work and their history.
The Weston Village BIA
The Weston Village BIA, established in 1979, is one of the oldest BIA's in Toronto. Situated in the north-west end of Toronto minutes from both the 401 & 400 highways, it is next to the Humber River with its extensive bike trail and walking paths. The business area reflects the cultural diversity of the surrounding community and consists of an eclectic mix of over 200 stores, services and professional offices.
The goals of the Weston Village BIA include the revitalization and preservation of the Village through regular maintenance, facade improvement, streetscape, public art programs, special events and promotions, and municipal partnership.
The Weston Village BIA is managed by a Board of Directors that is comprised of business owners and property owners as well as the local Councillor. The Board of Directors is an elected body and is elected every 4 years and elections coincide with the City of Toronto elections. Here are our 2023-2026 elected board of management along with our staff:

Masum Hossain
George Kalamaris
Vice Chair
Peter Kalamaris
Omar Warsame

Suri Weinberg- Linsky
Olumide Olatoye
Frances Nunziata
Audrey Swartz
Ward 5 York-South Weston
Sylvio Rodriguez
Operations and Funding
The BIA Board of Management oversees the annual operating budget for the BIA. Each year a budget is established and is presented to the BIA membership at their annual general meeting. Once approved by the membership the budget is then submitted to the City of Toronto.
A levy (tax) is then set by City and is applied to each property within the boundaries of the BIA. Every business within the BIA geographic area is automatically included in the BIA membership and contributes to the BIA budget through this special levy which is applied to their property taxes.
The Weston BIA employs staff and casual staff who help with our Weston Farmers' Market, Winterfest and other special events.
BIA's in Toronto are governed under Municipal Bylaw Chapter 19
Community Concerns
Have a safety concern, hazard or question regarding the public space?
In order to mitigate the issues of public safety and enjoyment of Weston Village for all, businesses and members of the public are asked do their part to ensure concerns are properly reported.
Please refer to this info sheet to determine who to call when you are visiting main street and see something that requires Police or City intervention.
If you have a question about a specific program, event or opportunity organized by the BIA, contact us below.
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